In 1865, the last clash between the American Union and the Confederates took place. It is a date that hich is attributed to the beginning of the wild west era. It was a peculiar world. Tired and devoid of vision of the future people went to the hot deserts in search of gold. The women who came after them set up brothels, amassing a huge fortune. With this money they founded stores, schools, churches. Over time, cattle breeders came to these places. In this strange, but natural way The wild west was settled d. It brought to us the myth of the American cowboy from mn I like the combat mechanics. In many of them there is a There is also a lot of truth. Now we play the equivalent of Wyatt Earp ourselves. Here is The West, which is another browser game, kt I visit them after a break of at least a few years.
Once upon a time in the west
The West is easiest to call an RPG. We have one character at our disposal, and our task is to control his adventure in the wild west. I have to praise the game for a very thorough approach to the subject. It's true that cowboy is just a handyman. They were the main nie mexicans (not americans), kt The gold rush has seen people take any job they could find. Usually it was the grazing of critters .
We are just such a person in The West. Our Cowboy will roam the prairie and, depending on our preferences, duel with others or perform a number of tasks available in the wild west t. From gold digging to newspaper printing. In this way b we will earn money, gain experience and collect items. Along with experience our level increases, which ry allows the statistics to grow. We have as many as 20 of them divided into 4 categories. Each statistic has an impact on something important for the game itself, and their different sets define our effectiveness in specific jobs. There are really many jobs, but all of them are done automatically (we just wait for the result).
Usually what job we are interested in will depend on what missions we have available. The game features a small living room inhabited by several permanent residents. They have a surplus of tasks for us backed by kr tories. Usually the plot is that the regulars of the bar want to help us c to find our place on the prairie. So they give us a e will earn money, gain experience and. But from time to time they want something in return or they need help with something, so they ask us for it. Most of these stories are very kr The games are simple and straightforward, but all of them are quite enjoyable. By the standard of narrative browser games, The West is doing really well.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Of course, The West is not limited to reading quests and clicking on automated jobs. Otherwise it would be hard to call it a game. The title is characterized by a fairly extensive range of features, which hich form an intriguing whole. Many of them are unlocked with our character's development. At level 15, we get the opportunity to choose a class. There are four: the adventurer d from the workshop, the swashbuckler from PVP, the worker from city building and the soldier from fort battles. So there are a lot of things to om ienia. Additionally, from level 20 on, you can choose one of four crafts. The options are cook, healer, blacksmith and gutter worker. Each of these works produces The game can also be played in the adventure mode obtained during the works. Not some innovative crafitng, but solidly developed thanks to a lot of recipes and material .
Sposr d class I personally decided to play as a swashbuckler. Robbing other players in PVP has been a tempting form of easy money. PVP combat in the game takes place through an automated duel system. Our participation consists in planning the fight and a decent preparation. The whole thing lasts eight rounds, during which The attackers have to keep control of the flag for five rounds, in which the players take turns shooting. There are five locations that re we can aim. The closer we are to the head, the harder it is to hit, but we also have a higher damage bonus. In addition, in each round we perform a dodge, which ry gives us an extra chance to avoid damage in three out of five places. The one who does more harm to the other wins. It is relatively rare for someone to actually die in a duel because they are quite short short.
This system sounds relatively interesting, but in practice it is a bit disappointing. Hits and dodges are set only once, to be less predictable than the default settings. After that the whole thing can be forgotten. All that remains is to choose weapons. White is a bit stronger, but inflammable is used in adventures and fort battles (about this p later). Wyb so it depends on our interest in additional modes.
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
Survival on your own in the wild west borders on the miraculous. Although many os b pr b was lonely luck in the gold rush, eventually everyone gathered together inside the cities. Inno Games did not fail to honor this fact in their game. The West has a fairly reasonable system of building cities. We gather together in one of the designated towns l, we establish a town and expand the buildings according to our needs. For this purpose, we use gold and occasional resources from the works. Of course, the builder class makes everything a bit faster and cheaper. Unfortunately, all cities look the same. The system can be called the equivalent of setting up a clan In other games. Cities can compete with each other or form alliances. Each player is actually required to join one in order to have access to a solid inventory. In addition, in the cities, you can create a handbill on players who ho have gone too far for us hand.
The biggest way cities compete is through battles for the fort. This is king of the hill gameplay in a completely different module than the rest of the game. Battle takes place in real time. The player can control his character on a square fort map. The attackers' task is to keep control of the flag for five rounds. Meanwhile, the defenders just have to fight them off. Our life and damage depend on our equipment and stats. All players have the same pool of abilities at their disposal, from which You can use two of them per turn: movement and one other. It may be a simple system, but in a browser game this type of gameplay is rare. This is a very good rivalry system. Moreover, when you need some practice or don't have the opportunity to fight for strongholds, you can turn on the adventure mode. Then the game matches us up with other players to fight for control of three points. This mode supports from 6 to 10 players and offers unique rewards. Unfortunately, there is only one map available, which is quite mediocre. I will, however, praise the game for its convenience. Taking part in the adventure does not affect our activity in head in the game module, so it does not slow down the execution.
Little Big Man
The West looks really good graphically. The world map is simply nice and atmospheric. Each player has an avatar consisting of several choices The world map is nice and atmospheric, as are the face elements and accessories. There are enough of them that I haven't met twins yet. Maps in adventure and fort combat They also look good, although they lack any animation.
As for the business itself, it's so-so. The game has a classic browser premium package, or a boost to profit and the possibility of automation. It is also not particularly expensive. Unfortunately, there is also an item shop, which rym we can get equipment, utility boosts and what disturbs me a bit, buy stat points. I am not sure if there is any odg There is no limit for this purchase. The promise that someone won't buy themselves a win is the price of such a jump. Fortunately the game tries to give something to the regulars. There is a special second resource b called bonds. We can use them to buy useful items and equipment available in the store. Unfortunately, the package premium and statistics not so much.
My reunion with The West was a pleasant surprise for me. The game is nicer and more spacious than it was when I first saw it. In essence, however, it is still the same solid game. It seems that it passed the test of time very well. If you're looking for a good browser-based cRPG, I can recommend The West without much hesitation. Especially if the atmosphere of the legendary wild west appeals to you.