Dawn Angel It is nothing more than a polished version of Rise of Angels from CreaGames. The game was published by Esprit Games, the same people who made ers decided to take the auto-tracking League of Angels 3 and the slightly better Dragonlord under their wing. Already before getting acquainted with the game I knew that the review will not be long, and from the game itself I should not expect too much. During the exploration of the production, I only confirmed that. Is Dawn Angel is nothing more than League of Angels under a different mask?
Dawn of the Angel is a browser MMORPG, very similar in its assumptions to dw ch the other games, which e can currently find it on Esprit Games website. This is one of those games that The number of events happening on the screen does not make it easier at all rcy believe that browser-based MMORPGs are not inferior to those, which re require a client. And yes, I don't dispute that a browser-based or text-to-play game could be better than “normal” A piece of code, but to achieve this – a lot of work is really needed. Undoubtedly, the advantage of the game is tr Two-dimensional visuals. Here you can see a big progress in relation to (for example) Dragonlord but unfortunately the optimization has suffered. During the first few minutes of gameplay, my browser is horribly unresponsive, and the game itself is displayed in a few frames per second.
Under this robe hides the League of Angels
Registering for the game is fast and fun. If you've played League of Angels 3 or Dragonlord e start the game by creating a character, of course. Unfortunately, we still won't be able to customize the look of our hero. We can only choose the class. Another incredibly frustrating fact is that (just like in League of Angels 3) we can't give our own character name. In addition, all the names from the prepared set, are written in cyrillic, so forget about any attachment to your virtual persona. We won't even customize the appearance features, only the equipment, which ry clothes us. In addition, just as in the case of LoA, some Some of you may be bored with the auto-tracking. I feel that he is even more annoying and invasive here. At one point I left a card from Rise of Angels alone. After a few dozen minutes I decided to wr and I noticed that the story quest started to solve itself, without my intervention. I felt lost and almost lost all desire to continue playing.
Ignorance tw rc The key to failure
I have the impression that tw The developers of such games completely turn their backs on the word in criticism and measure success in the meager profits from micropayments, and this may eventually stop going hand in hand. By the way, it makes me wonder who spends any money on shuffles like League of Angels and similar games. Just like micropayments in some For example, the characters in some AAA games can be annoying, but sometimes they make sense because the game itself is engaging and we spend many hours playing it. In the case of games like Dawn of the Angel In contrast, I have the impression that only “Sunday players”, kt The game naturally starts with the creation of a character, who uncritically follows the tutorial and is unconsciously convinced that he or she has to pay in order to continue playing. PvE battles still don't require any attention from the player. As in other games of this type – we can only dream about any satisfaction derived from the duel. What makes the game more interesting is the PvP. At any time we can face other players in the Arena and feel the thrill of competition in less “Automated” fights.
Dawn Angel does not have its own unique character. For example, the characters kt re we can buy/obtain in the game are rip-offs’We will not even customize the appearance features, but only the equipment, which in the Marvel. Tw The developers are incapable of giving the game any kind of unique character and copy already created formulas like a mantra. It's a shame, because the game engine lays the groundwork for a pretty good game. All it would take is a few more workers In a development studio and a focus group meeting on the idea on a new game. In my opinion, it's not worth wasting a moment on it.