Have you ever dreamed of wearing a crown, holding a scepter in your hand and sitting on an iron throne? With g ry to look after his subjects, taking care of their development j kr e gain money only for completing tasks from the story and the amount of gold in the treasury? Have you ever wanted to manage armies and wage wars? If you answered at least once „yes”, then I invite you to Imperia Online.
„Kr l paYou can't control the world, but you can't rule it”
Nowadays there is no shortage of browser-based productions fighting for our free time. There is no denying that this type of titles are sometimes more addictive than regular single-player games. It is no different with Imperia Online, which ra aspires to be one of the best strategies, available through the browser window. And indeed, the production can boast of quite a large base of players, and extensive capabilities. Amateurs of diplomacy, economics, or militaria ill be satisfied.
The beginning of our game as a ruler is very pleasant. Uncomplicated tutorial will lead us through the initial stages and explain the intricate meanders of resource management. We will learn that we cannot afford to be a tyrant, because the subjects will leave us. By the way, we learn the basics of property management. It is safe to say that the first days of our term of office look promising.
„Cynic and kr l without love – these are just titles”
But the problems arise with time. It turns out that our subjects do not generate so much raw materials as we would like. At some point, we'll run out of e are not alone hen citizens don't have a home. Only patience and remembering the tutorial will save us from this unpleasant situation. After a few days, when we stop investing in new buildings and technologies unwise, we will put aside an adequate supply of minerals. The game gives us a painful feeling when we make mistakes and it takes a few days to fix them. That's why it's a good idea to plan future activities from the beginning.
It is very important, because we are not alone in the world in the state of. For we have at our disposal a whole dw The game painfully makes us feel rgo belong to the aristocracy, generals, but and our family. All these people have their characteristics and it is up to us to use them. However, we cannot exchange our team as and when we want. I mean, we can, but it is not profitable. The members of the court grow, gaining new abilities over time. So it is worth having a specialist from the very beginning .
„I left a marble Rome and got a brick one”
Okay, but then what do we do pr collecting money, expanding buildings, etc …or the training of the aristocracy..? We invest in science, because it is the foundation for further expansion. The discovery of new technologies, mining methods, or research, directly affects the It is all the more problematic because the most important aspects of our kingdom countries. On the one hand, we can increase the efficiency of our mines, but on the other hand, a wall around the domain will be useful. A not insignificant influence have and military arts, increasing the qualities of our units. On top of that there is espionage, or the ability to take over new terrain. There is no shortage of options, but the problem is the insufficient amount of raw materials for everything .
In fact, we have only one option for competition. You can play with diplomacy, arrange marriages and alliances, but this aspect is quite limited. The form is much better „direct negotiations”, I.e. the army. Here we are given The different types of units, which e can train our own citizens. So, there is no way to recruit more soldiers than we have the liege of the subjects. Additionally, the division of the army into The different categories make it necessary to choose the raw warriors. Why? This is because the principle of paper-stone-scissors. We can invest in a whole troop of cavalry, but what if a smaller troop of pikemen in successfully defeating them? That's right, it's not that easy, you have to work your way up.
Of course, we are not the only ones who can attack. Other players They can also hook us, but not only. The computer opponent prowls around our future empire, attacking provinces. This is problematic in that we have to buy diamonds If you don't get rid of an enemy camp, you can't occupy a new area , and the morale of the citizens decreases.
„Not all that glitters is gold”
While so far everything (I hope) has been!) sounded quite interesting, now I have to mention some negatives. I mean, heads Not about one, because it spoils all the fun. Ot that the game is theoretically free, but in practice, almost at every step the production suggests us to buy diamonds (premium currency). This one is used to speed up all processes (building, recruitment, research, etc.).), and on top of that it allows you to acquire raw. As a result, while in the early stages of the game this is not noticeable, p Then, in order to develop properly, we should reach for our wallets.
Time to sum up everything we know about the game and we know a lot! We learned that being a kr lem is not so easy at all. Managing your subjects takes time and resources , the battles are brutal, and without proper technology, even with a huge army we will not conquer the world. So I find dealing with Imperia Online quite enjoyable – The title hit my strategic points, effectively forcing me to log on at least 3 times a day. It's a shame that the game is so dependent on the premium currency, because otherwise it would certainly be more popular. Okay, no more talk, it's time to loot someone!