If you are someone who, after a hard day, likes to sit down in front of the monitor and play, and all the games that you can play in this type of game, you will not be able to play them The games that come to mind require too much commitment from you to solve The Shards of War may come to your rescue.
A light introduction
Behind the title is Bigpoint studio, known from the game Battlestar Galactica Online. Tw The players take us to futuristic and somewhat post-apocalyptic arenas. On which In these arenas we will fight for order in the universe. At least that's what Bigpoint says. Apart from eloquent platitudes about the fight leading to the achievement of „overriding goal”. The gameplay boils down to arena battles, conducted in 5 on 5 style. That is a characteristic style of MOBA games.
A little information about the gameplay
The gameplay begins with an introductory tutorial and a fight with a bot. All this in a simple way b, shows the basic issues of the game. The next step is to play normally with other players. It looks like this, we choose the mode: solo or team. Choosing the team mode, we assume our j zesp hich e can team up with friends hen the barriers fall, a raid for victory begins. An important element leading to victory is the support of almost all heroes that have opted for solo mode. Because, despite appearances, in solo mode we do not play alone, but join an existing team. After completing the team it's time to choose characters (more information about characters later in this article). When both teams are ready it is time to fight. Depending on how the computer separates us, we start from the left or right side of the arena. For the first few seconds we are separated from the main n the upper part of the map. This is the time to get to know your character better. Once the barriers are down, the race for victory begins. The aim of the game is to destroy the head and the opponent towers in it. This is prevented by smaller enemy turrets as well as the enemies themselves, which ho have the same goal as us. In each of the At various points on the map there are „wild” robots, which After defeat they join us. An important element leading to victory is the support cooperation.
Unfortunately, there are some players who are completely unsuited for this type of game and may end up losing. The authors have thought Also about the rogue players who leave during the fight. If a person does this a few times, they will receive a penalty that will block experience for a while. It is a very good solution because if someone leaves, he is replaced by a bot. And in this field Bigpoint comes out poorly and there is a high probability that he will not take an active part in the battle. After the fight we receive experience points and chests. The latter gives you currency and the elements necessary to create additional passive abilities.
These are characters who e take part in the battle. Currently there are 25 sentinels available, but in the initial phase of the game we have only five of them. Another hero e can unlock them by buying them for the virtual currency, which is gained during the game. There are There is also a related solution, namely buying with live money. Each sentinel has several attacks of its own and passive skills, which are his unique abilities. In addition to this, almost all heroes have in the available sk The authors have thought about how to attract those who want to play the game.
Passive abilities
There are also create a set In the case of passive skills, which are not assigned to one sentinel. It looks like this: we choose an ability which The game that we want to create and we just create. However, the catch is that we need to have the right items falling from the chests. All skills can be upgraded and placed in any combination in sets called backpacks. Properly selected backpack will significantly increase our abilities on the battlefield. The created sets are selected during the character selection. And the selected skills activate gradually during the game.
Graphics and sound
The game is pleasing to the eye. It has comic elements, which They fit in perfectly and are not obtrusive as in some Other Japanese productions. But the fact is that it lacks a proper finish and some elements could look better. As for the audio, the sound is average. Apparently the music is ok. and the shots and attacks look okay but after a while, there comes a point where the sound turns off e can play games and play our own playlist.
Maintained nowaga
A nice surprise is that the micropayments are indeed micro. Not only are the ads not obtrusive, but we don't have to buy any special upgrades that would disrupt the gameplay The balance between the players. And as we all know, titles focused on making money alone do not attract new players. Micropayments focus primarily on the ability to buy a new sentinel, sk e can also buy additional chests and other items.
Shards of War is a game perfect for os b that do not require a lot of character development. With pleasant graphics. And not forcing the player to do anything in cash. In my opinion, casual players as well as avid fans of the MOBA genre can spend pleasant moments with this game.