RPG games are one of my passions. Today I will present you one of them. I must point out, however, that my review will focus on the heads e can also use the game on its technical aspects. This is because how much enjoyment we get from games like this depends on how creative we are and who we play with. Things are slightly variable, so I won't be able to completely predict your potential experience. At the same time I can promise that the longer you play, the more pleasure you will get from it.
Clan Chronicles
Shinobi War is a text-based sandbox RPG. This means that the game has no graphics, no button or og lion's share of any form of user interface. The gameplay is the easiest to cope with to write a book. Except that we do it in a group. Each player describes how b thinking and decisions of their own character. In turn, specially authorized users describe the reactions of the world, the effects of actions taken and the behavior of NPCs, such as random passers-by. This creates a game with unlimited freedom to act. This is the top, which The game will never reach the level of classic computer games due to its technical limitations. I won't go into more detail explaining this concept, because the guide on the Shinobi War website does a great job of that for me.
The game is set in or rather inspired by the world of Naruto. For fans This is great news for the series, and for its enemies and os b, which If you haven't had the opportunity to familiarize yourself with it, I have something to cheer you up. Shinobi War is an alternate prequel to Masashi Kishimoto's manga. The action is set in a medieval Japanese-style setting, devoid of advanced technology. The theme is a conflict of many countries in the geographical layout known from the series. However, there are no hidden villages and the head The mythology and metaphysical elements are the main remnants of the original. We are talking here about It is also about jutsu, which function as the equivalent of magic, and the special ninja clans connected to them. The majority of players play the role of heir of these families, with unique abilities and a history of interaction with other clans.
This og the overall solution was very much to my liking. Writing a story based in the time period of the manga would be quite difficult, and personally I wasn't a fan of Naruto as such. However, I saw a lot of potential in the presented world despite its many shortcomings. The basis of gameplay provided by Shinobi War allows us to cure the problem e are obliged to create a new one, which „Naruto” while making the resulting story largely original. The backstory of the game itself consists of 64 events, which The story takes place over a period of 383 years. They create zar both the political and cultural history of the world, and the more important ones have received their own private detailed explanations in separate topics. This is a pretty decent and solid amount of introductory material.
Open borders
Shinobi War's gameplay mechanics are somewhat elaborate, but in to a certain extent open. When creating a character, we have to determine its origin, which gives us some genetically determined bonus , or access to secret clan abilities now or in the future. We determine the elemental nature of our chakra, fighting style between taijutsu (styles of hand-to-hand combat) and bukijutsu (fighting with weapons). We will have to choose t also some special jutsu techniques from a rather extensive list. From my point of view, these are actually equivalent to magic spells from other games. We will have to decide Also about our stats. The game has seven. They are responsible for different og The less mechanized gameplay encourages and even forces creativity. In the However, unlike games like Dungeons and Dragons Shinboi War, this is storytelling. This means that there are no mathematical patterns here or dice roll mechanics. The outcome of our struggles is entirely determined by the person in charge of the world presented, be it the game master in a story adventure or the referee in a battle. This has its advantages and disadvantages. What this boils down to is that all of our actions are evaluated In fairness, at a time when games like DnD have specific rules for many things, and then rely on improvisation mg when they are missing. On the other hand, it is difficult to judge and predict our own effectiveness. This one can get a bit e are obliged to create a new one, which depends on who is judging us this time. I personally don't mind this state of affairs. This is especially helpful for people who those who have no experience with this type of game genre. Less mechanized gameplay encourages and even forces creativity. As a result, the player must learn to operate their abilities well and think outside the box.
Our abilities are developed by simply taking part in the game. For taking on missions under the supervision of a player with narration privileges or fighting with others, we get the so called. History Points. PH in this case acts as EXP. However, we do not get the level e also spend our stats on going to other places. Instead, we spend them on specific things that The gameplay mechanics of Shinobi War are somewhat complex, however, they are of interest to us and guarantee a constant development character. The game is Also very open to the invention of tw but. Despite the many techniques and style available in the game In combat, we still have the ability to come up with our own completely original. In this way b The world is constantly evolving and we can never be sure what we will encounter. Fearful players I must somewhat warn, because PH points can be lost. If you lose a fight, 2% of the battle score goes to the winner. If our character „will die a death” We are obliged to create a new one, which ra retains only part of our originally acquired knowledge. Fortunately, this is usually a fairly decent amount (80%) and always something, in por e also have to think about our stats when we go to other places that ho have played. At the same time, if you have played in another Naruto forum or a forum with themes similar to Shinobi War, it is possible to transfer your character. However, there is a need to translate its capabilities into forum mechanics, which may involve a slight loss in og lar strength of the character.
Old dog, new tricks.
The forum is very nicely done. All the small elements, such as items and abilities have climatic descriptions. In addition, their formatting is clear and pleasing to the eye. I am impressed by one simple change, which I have not encountered before, and it introduces a big The difference in the cf compared to other titles of this type. A lot of information in the game is hidden from foreign players. Usually in such games it was possible to enter some public topic and read everything that took place there until the dawn of time. At the same time, fights take place in a rather unusual way b, because there was a possibility to read about everything that our opponent pr buje do. The Shinobi War forum is designed in such a way that a lot of information can be hidden either from people without access to the location or from those who The game does not have any specific powers. It assures us that no one knows more than they should. It also allows for much more interesting and readable posts.
Shinobi War made a very good impression on me and who knows if I will not visit it for longer, when I find some free time. This is a classic game made with skill and improved where the genre had its shortcomings. At the same time it looks like a good place for os b Beginners, who re would like to spr The game is a great opportunity to play, but they did not have the courage, or simply have not heard about the existence of a genre such as this. All interested are welcome to play.