At the time of its release in 2012, the game was already This is the second position in the Stronghold series. So one could argue that Firefly Studios – series developer – will offer us a MMORTS, which The game will be different from the competition thanks to the experience The developers have developed the game over the years. Has this also happened?
Immediately after logging in we are greeted by a very simple, but atmospheric graphics. Fans „Fortress” We will immediately feel a strong resemblance to the predecessor. The view characteristic for the title, i.e. hundreds of small, tightly packed units, is a great opportunity to that will take over the enemy castle – instant nostalgia. This is by no means a revelation to the eye, but it still does its job in simply conveying the battle in real time. Looking at the world map The word simplicity also comes to mind, but in this case, it is not a reproach. The player is able to quickly appreciate the practical approach, which The result of this is the clarity and ease of reading the situation around the ł castle. A strategist doesn't need much more to be happy.
It is worth adding here that while the look of the game fits into the browser genre, Stronghold Kingdoms has its own client. This is a plus feature in my opinion. It takes up less than 20 megabytes The game will also provide stability, which The browser-based productions often lack.
The soundtrack stands at not the worst level. Our game is accompanied by a rather subtle note that It has already appeared in many medieval productions – ch rki and string instruments being in the foreground. As much as it fulfills its role, introducing atmosphere, after some time I began to feel a certain irritation and had to turn it off or replace it with something else. Maybe it's a matter of repetition, or maybe just taste.
Build and rule
Before we even drive a shovel into the ground, we must choose a world on which e will have to fight for dominance. There are many maps of countries, continent In the world, as well as in the whole world, which ry was called the Global Conflict. Select server can have quite a significant impact on the gameplay and its comfort. The most populated areas are usually the ones with the heaviest fighting, so if a player is placed on the front line, he probably won't last long there. Therefore, the ho prefer a more passive and less time-consuming game mode, I would recommend servers with lower population.
Once we manage to choose a suitable location, our village screen will appear with an introductory tutorial. While it explains the basics quite well, it ends too early in my opinion. We are left alone with many aspects of the game, which you need to explore by using the b and error. This may not be a big problem, but many players can get simply lost.
The development of the village is fairly standard – we have deposits, wok kt e can invest in only one branch or take a little from each. We must take care of the correct population growth as well as their level of satisfaction by providing food, trunk in whether the efficient management of taxes. Initially, putting up buildings It takes us seconds to get through the game, but it quickly escalates into hours, which will probably still be mentioned in this text.
Another property is the titular fortress – castle. This is the only line of defense that ra is divided by an opponent in all sorts of ways from getting into our village. Therefore, it is a This is important, because a weak defense will be quickly spotted and we can say goodbye to our possessions. Expanding your castle gives you a bit more options, but most of the time it will come down to thick walls e can also invest in a small amount of buildings, narrow passages and towers with archers. Of course, this is uog However, the vast majority of effectively defended closed is configured in such a way b (oh wonder!).
The third important screen There is a technology tree in the development. It allows us to develop skills in four areas – industry, military, agriculture and education. Here I am glad that we have full freedom in choosing our own path. You can invest in only one branch or take a bit from each. All of the technologies have their practical applications.
Once we have a way to defend ourselves, we must have also something to attack with. The army is an important source of a point of honor – resource needed to increase your rank as well as invent new technologies. Of course, there is also her head tain objective – fighting against hostile forces generated by the computer (wolves, bandits) or attacking and robbing other players' villages. The diversity of our army is quite limited – we have three types of melee units, one reach and one siege. Sz The captain is the one who ry is only used to take over closed .
Game about. fortress?
Here we come to the second, an important game mechanic – politics. It is just as (if not more) important than skillful management of the domain. Very quickly, the player is able to realize that there is a lot going on around him and it will be hard to survive wok This diplomacy mill without active participation in it. Pokr tce – the goal of the game itself is to win Dom in (clan e have three types of melee units tion is to acquire as much land as possible, which provides them with a point glory. Once one House has crossed a certain threshold, the game moves on to the next stage, rewarding the winner. Therefore, integration with other players is very important here. Relationship building hen the sequel was announced, many people were very excited about it – All this will be a daily theater of struggle in Stronghold Kingdoms. Our skills in long term planning and trying to get a place in a strong House will decide about survival of the King of the world, which that we want to create.
Gameplay in Stronghold: Kr The gameplay is aggressive. The player will not experience a peaceful expansion like in Settlers Online. Logging in every few days and developing a few buildings is definitely not enough. Macroeconomics is more than destroying a camp bandits hether I'm a wolf. That's why I would advise against playing this game if you don't like it ho don't have enough time – it will require us to. To save some money, we can use a premium account, thanks to which To make sure that some actions will be repeated automatically after logging out. In addition, we are able to purchase packs with cards that hich can randomly provide resources, dwellings In, increase mining efficiency, etc. At first glance it looked like a typical Pay2Win to me, but I quickly came to the conclusion that time is the most valuable currency in this game.
Stronghold Kingdoms is a title that hich positively surprised me. I expected a kitschy carbon copy of the once famous series, but what I found was a pretty decent platform for strategy and politics. While the number of solutions (such as army selection) may be quite small, I was never bored. Constant observation of the situation on the map, making contact I was too busy with my neighbors and planning further development. Simplicity, which ra has a positive influence on playability, which is very welcome in the MMORTS genre.
However, as I wrote earlier, the game is not for everyone. The casual builder can quickly be wiped out and forced to start all over again, which will discourage him from continuing the fun. If, on the other hand, you are a gamer who The casual builder may quickly be wiped out and forced to start over, which will discourage him from continuing the game countries – I sincerely recommend this title. It is demanding, but can provide a lot of excitement.