Rule, divide and conquer – this is a must for every player who will try their hand at Total Battle, a browser game from the Fusion Core studio. While at first glance, we are dealing with a well-known pattern of conduct in the case of browser games, in this case, it is a production that is definitely worth to take a look at. What is hidden behind the seemingly simple economic game, in which we build our own empire and fight with others for domination? Surprisingly much.
Total Battle is a browser strategy game from the Fusion Core studio, in which players begin the adventure by ruling their city. In a nutshell, in the game we have to develop our city economically, conduct appropriate research, improve existing properties, increase the number of troops and command war expansion. Doesn't it all seem quite familiar? Yes, the gameplay does not differ significantly from what we have been accustomed to by many other similar productions available in the browser. However, in Total Battle it is not about similarity as such, but about the level with which the developers used the clichés known and loved by many. And they used them definitely well.
As usual, our adventure and gameplay is started by a tutorial, which makes us perform a set of basic actions in order. In this case you should not expect anything fancy – just simply click through it, while learning what it's all about. Thanks to it, we know which buildings are responsible for the production of what resources, as well as how to train the army or acquire new equipment, technologies and how to conduct offensive operations. While the tutorial itself lasts literally a moment, after which we become independent, there are still tasks available during the game, in which for performing specific actions we receive a reward. It can be treated as an extension of the tutorial, because it shows us exactly what and where to do in order to pass the task. There is rather no risk that at some point we will get stuck.
A big concern with games of this type is certainly the commonly used time to build and recruit, as well as perform other actions in the game world. No wonder, because what is left for a player when his building is finished after a very long time? Especially when you have a number of different buildings to build and expand, but also research in the academy.
Fortunately, this is not a big problem in Total Battle, because the activities available to the player are really quite a lot. The most basic and obvious are expanding the city, adding buildings, or preparing the ground for these structures (which can be improved). There is also expansion, which can be divided into different types. Apart from storming enemy fortifications and strongholds, you can also choose your crew for a mission against various monsters and beasts (e.g. Ogres, Undead or even Elves) scattered around the game world. They are characterized by different levels and numbers, as well as the character class itself. While they can often be a challenge for our troops, winning such a battle is definitely worth it, because of the possible rewards to be received.
What our army can consist of? You can choose from the standard types of units such as infantry, cavalry, ranged or siege units, but our army doesn't end there. There are also captains available, who, just like our own hero, have powerful skills in relation to ordinary soldiers, are able to command an army and gain subsequent levels of experience. You can also take advantage (as in the case of our hero), of special items that significantly affect some characteristics and statistics. The items themselves, in turn, can be obtained through the exploration of crypts located on the map of the game world. Sending expeditions to them is an important element of the gameplay, because the mentioned elements of equipment become more and more useful over time, even if they add a few percent to the speed of movement or efficiency in battle.
A very important element of our participation in the game world is belonging to a clan. Such system is also well known to everyone, as it appears in many games often and thickly, only under different names. In Total Battle it is a completely necessary, but also very enjoyable element. Clans themselves can put up their buildings, as well as plan conquests and conduct large-scale conflicts. The members themselves do not remain alone either, as the institution of the clan allows you to receive reinforcements or military support, but not only. Other members of the clan can support each other during the expansion of our city and the construction of new buildings or research. In turn, supporting the clan itself allows it to grow richer, so members can be bestowed with rewards associated with membership. In addition to all this there is of course the psychological factor. Every player will think twice before attacking a player who belongs to a strong clan machine.
There is an element in Total Battle, which personally surprised me a lot. We are talking about the implemented storyline, which chapters we discover over time and take part in the given events. Of course, all the time we are in the world of a browser game, so it is impossible to find here multi-vector and animated interludes, but we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the scenarios of events and taking action. Often we can choose from several different options, which then result in different rewards. Is it something worthy of attention? Definitely yes. For sure it helps in getting immersion which is so hard in many other browser games.
On a separate praise deserves visuals and the overall design of the game. Indeed, there's no denying that a browser game, in addition, two-dimensional, is not likely to arouse in anyone today jaw dropping or great appreciation, but even indie games show that even small resources and capabilities can be used in an appropriate manner. This is certainly how it was done in the case of Total Battle, which was cooked with taste. The setting is colorful and neat, and above all, very easy to read. The game is very enjoyable to watch because of the well-chosen color palette and building design, and in addition, the screen does not overflow. The user experience path itself is very comfortable, because we do not have to click through dozens of windows or pop-up tags or notifications. The menu itself is intuitive and after a few quarters of an hour we feel that we can control all aspects of our empire.
While Total Battle doesn't reinvent a well-known genre, it makes good use of the popular and previously used schemes, and binds the whole in a very decent framework. The game does not irritate – which is not always obvious in the case of browser hits. The game also manages to encourage, if only through the atmosphere and intuitive controls. And finally, the game does not scare off every now and then pop-up slogans about epic promotions and discounts. Indeed, spending money will make the game easier in many aspects, but it is not promoted in such a pushy and ruthless way. It is therefore worth trying your hand at city management and conquest, because Total Battle has some good arguments to attract you for a few longer moments. All the more so in this day and age where staying at home is even top-down recommended.