In 2006, the German company InnoGames debuted. Their first title was the already legendary Tribes. This browser strategy game quickly gathered a lot of fans in the world. Many of them still enjoy the original title. The game is characterized by a very solid and concrete mechanical. When the sequel was announced, many wondered how the original formula could be improved. I finally had a chance to take a look at the new version myself, and I'm happy to share my impressions.
Beautiful conflict
Tribal Wars 2 greets us with stunning visuals and a very atmospheric music track. The graphics were created as a photo montage with an additional CG facelift. It makes it look both realistic and fairy-tale, which is very pleasing to the eyes. At the same time it creates The music quickly puts us in the mood for a Although, personally, I eventually turned it off. Admittedly, there are several of them, but I often ended up with the same one.
I started the description with the visuals, because the first thing that caught my eye when I started playing. Therefore, I will also mention the interface. The UI in the game is really clear, well laid out and comfortable. I appreciate it very much. In games of this type, a well-crafted interface helps to eliminate the need for tutorials, assuming that the player has some initial competence. Despite this, Tribal Wars 2 didn't drag on in this respect either, although it presented a compulsory and mercilessly prolonged tutorial. To these particular ł wr I'll tell you about it in a moment.
Tribal Wars 2 is a real-time strategy game. As in the first installment, despite the good visuals the gameplay is almost entirely text-based. We have buildings responsible for the production of raw materials Some of these things were created just for human convenience. Our only task is to conquer You can use other people's villages to expand your own collection. There is no question of any other style of gameplay, as the game does not offer any. Sami tw The developers have segregated the players into three roles, which let me call you: aggressor In weakening the opponent's forces, expressionist e have three roles that we can use to take control of the villages and ho The game is full of this kind of cunning and hard-to-see design in the game are not conquered. Among these l choose by constructing a special building in the village divided into just three exclusive variants. They give you access to the bonus e have a lot of technology aimed at these styles of gameplay.
As the name implies, Tribal Wars 2 or “Tribes 2” is a team game. Players form guilds to plan support The conquests. Thanks to this they have the opportunity to cover their deficiencies and unlock additional passive bonuses. This rather dry description is very important here. Tribes is a game that ra is only focused on PVP gameplay. The economic part of the game is very simplified, and battles are pure mathematics inside an elaborate game of rock, paper and scissors. A lot depends on the decisions of each different players and clans in clashes between each other, and the only engine is the desire for conflict. Only people interested in such a competition have something to look for in the game.
Initial point
At this point I would like to wr To read the guide. What I remember about the original tribes is that it was a very challenging game to start. Players didn't know what to expect, and more experienced players were usually all over the place. Tribal Wars 2 has managed to very successfully remedy this problem with an elongated series of quests, which Not only do they explain the rules of the game, but they also they also train in it.
For the more adventurous player like me, the constant tutorials „expand the sawmill for the twentieth time” can be a bit cumbersome. However, slow upgrades were a common problem for beginners in the original game. The tediousness and repetitiveness of these instructions will teach the biggest layman about their importance, even if it seems to take away our freedom from the game. “If I get extra resources as a reward for expanding a particular building, what agency do I have over my choice?” I asked myself at the beginning. Immediately afterwards, however, I remembered: “and that's how I would build it now. It is the strategic optimum ”.
In the game, the villages e harvest four resources. Three of them: wood, stone, and clay, are the typical standard. They produce over time and they do it faster the more developed our mine is. Fourth Order b is the population expressed as food rations. Simply put, the bigger the farm, the more wasps we have b we can feed at once. This is quite a logical way This is a quite logical way of interpreting the food in the game, which hich surprisingly is not so popular. It also has a small consequence: it doesn't matter whether the troops stationed in the village are ours or our ally's. There is only so much food there is. If we need support, we must be able to feed it.
Additionally, there is a so-called resource deposit in the game. This is a menu with which e can pick up bonus resources once every few minutes or so. There is a certain daily limit and they reward us for more frequent visits to the game. This may seem like a random incentive, but the more often a player looks in, the more likely they are to see an approaching enemy army or an important report. For this reason, I consider it a hidden training element. The game is full of this kind of cunning and hard-to-see design. Some of these things were created just for human convenience. For example, if we look into the game a minute or two before the end of the upgrade, we can finish it faster. No need to stare at the screen because we came too early.
Support lne efforts
The most innovative feature I found in the successor to tribes is the co-op mode. In the game we can give up to two It's also a great way to give other players access to our game countries. They will be able to control it all by simply selecting it when logging in. The only requirement g is to belong to the same tribe. This is a much more important feature than it might seem at first. Sure, many players would be afraid to let someone else control their army and resources. However, Tribal Wars zar Both the first and the second are games that require a lot of attention. Once you've grown up, sworn to the tribe, and roamed into conflicts, you still have to keep your hand on the pulse. Much of the time burden from the original is eliminated in the new installment. Simply by starting the game with friends, we don't have to worry so much that we'll miss a critical moment in the gameplay.
When it comes to the fee system, Tribal Wars 2 is one of those somewhat cumbersome games. Developers are human and don't make a game so that no one can afford it. The question is how much these fees will og lnikowo wynosić? In this case it is hard to estimate. We have a standard premium, which re increases resource extraction. Extremely not an essential bonus, as it amounts to a mediocre 20%. More problematic are the one-time bonuses for battles. These are separate products, but they are not d kt These bonuses include a 10% bonus to troop damage, a 10% reduction in damage, and a safety feature that will allow players to control their troop completely If an army was to lose, it would instead wr those for home. These bonuses seem particularly strong to me in p I can't tell you how many of these would have to be purchased by the average player. For this reason, it's hard for me to give a personal verdict on payments in the game.
In the pore Compared to the first part Tribal Wars 2 is a more accessible, pretty, comfortable and specific game. On its own dw The title is a pure PvP game of constant war and politics between gatherings of players. What it does, it does very well. In addition, we have the ability to play not only in the browser, but Also on the phone. My impressions are rather positive, although I recommend the title only to those who I can't predict how many of them the average player would have to buy. When playing alone, we can find a foreign tribe and meet someone. However, it will be much easier to play with someone who lnie from the very beginning, cooperative or not. That's it for me, have fun.