Wartime is a browser strategy game, which The game combines elements of unit management, base building and support Cooperation with other players. Don't let the colorful and candy-colored graphics fool you! Wartime provides an unforgettable experience dor The game is a lot like the best multiplayer titles, regardless of the fact that it is completely free and requires no additional installation. Create an account and enjoy the game!
It's worth noting at the very beginning that m speaking of Wartime, it's actually a kind of port of a mobile game, originally associated under the name Top War: Battle Game. The word "port" may have a pejorative connotation, but it has to be said It is also worth mentioning that the game works great in the browser and you can see that the porting from mobile devices has been done with the utmost care and precision. Visually, the game looks very smart, which is an advantage. Candy-like graphics are pleasing to the eye and will stand the test of time time. Even after long years we will like it!
The plot, as in games of this type, is not a very significant element. Of course, it exists and more or less creates the sense of gameplay, but it is not as important part of the fun as in RPG or MMO games. Well, our world faced with a huge danger from the sinister governor. The players who stand against him, being the command masters of the troops. It is at this point that the core of the game is revealed, which consists of commanding and managing an army. We are not only talking about commanding soldiers during battle, but also about taking care of the facilities. We need to properly develop buildings, acquire resources and funds. These are necessary to further improve our troops .
The gameplay and controls themselves are simple, but not simplistic. We operate here basically only with the mouse, which is very intuitive and pleasant. From the very beginning the game guides us in performing subsequent actions, which allows to learn and understand uncomplicated game mechanics. We must admit that the transfer of Wartime from mobile devices reveals also in a simple interface. It is easy to navigate in search of some The game can be played with up to two or three clicks. We all know that many browser games flood us with notifications or other incentives to spend money. While in this case the You can also try some boosters for a real cash It is not too intrusive, although you can. Clicking is simply pleasant and smooth.
The game combines a number of elements in the genre although it can be safely called a strategic production. An important factor that affects our „strength” In the game there is an experience level. It's not about the level of your character, your account or your squad. Experience and levels in Wartime can be gained by practically everything. Buildings, troops or ourselves. You have to remember about it, because for example, combining units of the same level gives you something much stronger. The same applies to the buildings. These, in turn, provide us with an influx of additional funds for development And the soldiers become much stronger after the merger.
Wartime is a rarity among the d free browser games. It combines interesting elements of strategy games, RPG and MMOs, which re in combination with good optimization and interesting graphics provide an extremely pleasant and charming gameplay. The game is a very successful port of the mobile edition, which is its strength. Head And also because of the nice and easy to use interface. It's also not too pushy in terms of micropayments, which is a gigantic advantage these days.