What exactly do physiotherapists do?
The profession of physiotherapist enjoys great popularity in Germany – both among those who perform the profession and those who depend on the work of these professionals.
The professional group ensures that patients are professionally supported in improving, restoring and maintaining their mobility and other physical functions.
Particularly those whose limitations are due to accidents, illness or age can benefit greatly from the coordination or muscle training measures of a physiotherapist.
The course of the therapy is planned by the physiotherapist on the basis of his own observations as well as the present medical diagnosis.
The treatment plan can then take place both in a group and in the form of individual sessions and include, among other things, electrotherapies, massages, respiratory therapies or hydro and heat therapies.
In the profession of the physiotherapist, it is also one of the tasks to advise the patients comprehensively with regard to recommendable self-activities, aids and the respective modes of action of the individual measures.
They also provide instruction in physiotherapeutic exercises, which patients can then practice independently.
Which activities the exciting occupation of the Physiotherapeuten in detail covers and which personal abilities a good Physiotherapeut should bring along, in the following one is explained.
These activities are included in the profession of physiotherapist
Treatment by a physiotherapist is particularly advisable for people who suffer from physical limitations due to a disability, injury, illness or natural signs of aging.
In addition, a competent physiotherapist is also a great help when it comes to Preventive therapy goes.
If the limited mobility can be traced back to muscle tension, sensory disturbances of the nerves or rheumatism, for example, the support of a physiotherapist can usually hardly be dispensed with.
The present complaints are analyzed by him expertly, before techniques and measures from the range of the physical therapy are used.
If irreversible dysfunctions are present, the physiotherapist will show ways to compensate for them.
Often, physical therapists work in a team consisting of nursing and therapeutic professionals as well as physicians.
The entire therapy plan, respectively the included treatment measures, can be ideally coordinated with one another.
Of course, the patients are also involved, so that the treatment and the medical prescriptions are also discussed with them in detail.
When it comes to the selection of useful everyday aids and other aids, physiotherapists also provide comprehensive advice for the patients themselves and their relatives.
In addition, physiotherapists – assuming they have the appropriate qualifications – can also managerial functions in the therapy area of orthopedic and physiotherapeutic practices as well as clinics.
Their duties then usually include both supervision and coordination tasks.
They are also responsible for quality assurance in the department.
These are the qualities of a good physiotherapist
In the work of a physiotherapist, it is very important that there is a trusting atmosphere between the patient and the therapist.
Since a sustainable success of the treatment depends on it to a large extent – Finally, it is important that the patient receives the necessary motivation to participate in the success of the therapy himself.
Qualities that characterize a good physiotherapist are, for example, good powers of persuasion, extensive empathy, a great deal of patience and excellent powers of observation.