Maca – the superfood from the Andes
The superfood of the South American Inca is the maca tuber. In modern times and in this country, Maca is used as a natural aphrodisiac and naturopathy also uses the active ingredients of the tuber for potency problems and libido deficiency.
The power tuber helps women in the menopause as well as with unfulfilled child desire. Since the plant also has a performance-enhancing effect, athletes use this superfood and appreciate the associated energy increase. Head workers also love the mental alertness it gives them.
The power root from the highlands of Peru
The Peruvian cress plant belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetables. The root tuber grows at over 400 meters in the Andes and is incredibly hardy. Cold, wind and strong UV radiation – all this does not bother the superfood.
And it is exactly this strong robustness that Maca gives to those who take this energy tuber.
Maca in traditional cuisine
In Peru, maca is considered a vegetable and is also used by the indigenous population as a medicinal plant. For this reason, it is also common that the root is eaten up to three times a day, as the tuber is valued as a vital substance bomb as well as the rejuvenating side effect.
The plant can be boiled, fried, roasted or even dried. The indigenous inhabitants of the Andes use the powder of the tuber mainly for cooking and baking.
Stir maca powder with hot water or milk for a nutritious, sweet drink. Also very popular is a porridge mixed with the powder, honey and pureed fruit.
The effect in the field of natural medicine
The maca tuber has strong warming properties, which are used in Peruvian naturopathy. The Andean people divide all foods into cooling and heating foods.
Therefore the Peruvians use the effect with respiratory diseases, with rheumatic complaints and also for the increase of the fertility with animal and humans.
Maca increases sexual desire
The best known property is the aphrodisiac effect of the plant. Various researches have dealt with the desire-increasing feature and the results show the potency-increasing and desire-promoting power.
All studies have shown that the active ingredients of the tuber can reduce sexual disorders and have a positive effect on sexual desire.
The superfood makes strong against stress
It is not proven exactly how it works, but it is clear that maca helps. The orthodox physicians attribute a sexual disorder as well as a reduced libido primarily to a disturbance of the hormone balance. However, this cannot be confirmed in many cases.
Maca can improve libido without affecting hormone balance, regardless of whether it is damaged or not.
This effect comes about because the human organism adapts to stress and thus becomes more resilient. Consequently, it means less stress for the physical and mental structure.
With the use of the maca plant, the people who share the harsh and rugged living environment with maca manage to adapt better. The inhabitants are even able to achieve physical and mental peak performances, which people in European climes cannot even begin to achieve.
The super tuber is therefore an optimal companion, which helps to cope with stress better or not even perceive it as a burden anymore.
Down with the Cholesterinspiegel
What would be a superfood, if it could not also regulate the cholesterol level optimally? The power tuber contains numerous plant sterols. These are natural substances that are very similar to animal cholesterol.
The plant sterols, however, do not increase the cholesterol level, but lower it. By preventing cholesterol absorption in the small intestine, this process resulted in the lowering of unhealthy cholesterol.
The great tuber and digestion
Most users first notice the digestive regulating effect. Due to the high fiber content, toilet use is regular and without problems.
The unique blend of bioactive substances and the holistic effect of the superfood also contributes to a healthy metabolism.