Is chiropractic effective in treating chronic back pain?
If joint blockages are the cause of back pain, then chirotherapy (chiropractic) can be a very useful measure.
It is intended to treat the musculoskeletal system with targeted grip techniques and subsequently relieve the pain, thus restoring normal mobility.
What is a chiropractor anyway?
As a rule, chiropractors are alternative practitioners. They have additional training in the field of chiropractic.
At the same time there are also chirotherapists. These therapists are studied physicians who have completed advanced training in chiropractic therapy.
Chiropractic treatment
The treatment method of chiropractic is to be classified in the alternative healing methods. The term chiropractic is composed of the words practos and cheir.
Basically, techniques are used to help the pain to go away. A lot of time and patience is needed for chiropractic application.
This results from the fact that the blockages can usually not be solved during the first session. After a detailed conversation, the first examination takes place and only then the actual treatment begins.
What happens before treatment?
The chiropractor first obtains medical history information from the patient. It is very important to mention exactly when pain occurred and what postures or movements led to the discomfort.
However, the therapist not only addresses the current complaints, but also includes operations, accidents and previous illnesses. All these aspects are relevant for the further treatments.
The chiropractor can derive an initial diagnosis from the information provided. This is followed by an examination, which should provide the basis for the chiropractic treatment.
The therapist first checks how mobile the joints are. The patients have to perform a lot of different movements.
Furthermore, the measurement of muscle strength, diagnosis of the spine, analysis of gait and posture, and palpation of hardening in the deeper muscles of the back are emphasized.
The focus is put on the subluxation during the examinations. This term defines the misalignment of one vertebra in relation to the adjacent vertebra.
In most cases this is caused by a lack of movement or incorrect posture. Before starting the therapy, the therapist will discuss the results of the examination with the patient.
The treatment itself
As mentioned above, the actual therapy is about releasing the identified tension and blockages in the spine. The blocked structure is felt.
Thereupon a test traction is carried out. This is used to determine whether the vertebra or joint can be moved in the correct position.
Subsequently, the affected area is to be brought back into the correct position. It may happen that when the tension is released a cracking sound occurs.
Nevertheless, spontaneous relief occurs following the treatment. In order to actually eliminate the chronic pain, several sessions are usually necessary.
What to do after treatment?
When the blockages have been solved, post-treatment physiotherapy is usually required. The joints should be supported so that no renewed malpositions or tensions occur.
The whole serves to strengthen and stabilize the entire musculoskeletal system. The regular and active performance of sports activities is particularly important.
The most suitable sports are cycling, swimming, longer walking, gentle jogging and back training. These sports not only strengthen the muscles of the back, but also increase the general feeling of well-being.
At the same time training from home is also conceivable. The chiropractor will also be able to show you some simple exercises that can be done from home.
When is chiropractic rather not helpful?
Chiropractic treatment is not particularly suitable for acute infections, tumors, deformities of joints and bones, and fractures of bones. However, it is still possible that it is used as an accompanying measure.
In principle, chiropractic therapy only helps with complaints with a functional cause. These are mainly tensions and blockages.
This means that if the changes in the back are organic, chiropractic treatment can even lead to a worsening of the symptoms.
This is especially the case with joint wear and tear and herniated discs. It is particularly important that the causes of the pain are clarified prior to therapy.
In conclusion, chiropractic in and of itself is very good for the treatment of chronic back pain. However, it must first be considered why the pain is present.
For example, if the pain is due to a herniated disc or joint wear and tear, chiropractic treatment will tend to have a negative effect.
In general, however, chiropractic treatment can have a very positive effect on chronic back pain.
A chiropractor is a non-medical practitioner. Because of this, the costs are not covered by the public health insurance.
It is necessary that the costs are paid by yourself. This results from the fact that the statutory health insurance does not cover the costs of alternative healing methods.