Chlorella – What is behind the freshwater algae?
Chlorella – this is a special form of freshwater algae, which has a high nutrient content and is sold as a food supplement.
The intake is possible in the form of tablets or powder. But it is also possible to consume the alga like a vegetable, although the taste certainly takes some getting used to.
Healthy power algae chlorella – what is really in the freshwater algae?
The freshwater alga has been at home on earth for around two billion years, which is why it is one of the world’s oldest plants. It has been able to survive for so long because of its adaptability.
The Latin name “Chlorella” means something like “young green”. No wonder, since the chlorophyll content responsible for the green color is particularly high. In its structure, this substance is similar to human hemoglobin, which is responsible for the red color of the blood.
Even though the freshwater algae is found in freshwater areas worldwide, it is cultivated for medicinal purposes. This is how impurities can be avoided.
Chlorella consists of three robust layers, which cannot be broken during the digestion process. For the use in medicine or as a food supplement, the gentle opening of the individual layers takes place.
This is the only way that the vitamins and nutrients of the freshwater alga Chlorella can be optimally utilized.
Chlorella is said to be able to help with very different diseases. Above all, the freshwater algae should be able to detoxify the body.
Detoxification of the body with chlorella
The single-celled, spherical freshwater alga, which is only two to ten micrometers in size, is not only very adaptable, but also has a very special ability: it is able to dissolve toxins (especially heavy metals) from nerves and body tissues.
It then binds these toxins to itself and drains them from the body. That is why chlorella plays an important role in the detoxification of the body.
Chlorella is very well researched in terms of detoxification of the body. Although studies – especially on the elimination of heavy metals – have only been carried out in connection with experiments on mice and rats, it is possible to draw conclusions about a corresponding effect on humans.
Specific studies on humans have not yet been conducted, which is probably due to a lack of research funds and a lack of economic interest.
But how can chlorella detoxify the body??
The cell walls, which consist of several layers of cellulose, are responsible for this. These layers are a kind of thread molecules, which consist of polysaccharides (multiple sugars) with at least 10.000 units of glucose in a row.
In addition, polymer hydrocarbon chains are stored in the cell walls, which are responsible for the property of absorption of toxic substances.
The pollutants are irreversibly absorbed by the chlorella algae and then excreted through the intestines. In this way, the alga can prevent the pollutants from re-entering the bloodstream.
In scientific studies, the ability to absorb toxins and pollutants has been proven, but the corresponding physiological processes for this ability are not yet known.
Sporopollenin, which is found in the cell walls of chlorella, plays an important role in this process. It is a highly polymeric hetereopolymer, which is extremely resistant to bases, acids and solvents. This substance also ensures that the small alga is viable for such a long time.
Basically, the cell walls of Chlorella are broken down in order to benefit from the nutrients. For detoxification, however, these must be preserved, as the broken cell walls only have a low detoxifying effect.
Conclusion: Detoxification with Chlorella good for the body
In the body, the so-called “resorption cycle” of toxins and harmful substances can be prevented with the help of chlorella. The alga binds toxins and pollutants so tightly that reabsorption in the intestine is not possible.
Harmful substances are excreted with the algae. In addition, the typical symptoms of detoxification, such as bad breath and body odor, fatigue, headaches or low performance, occur in a weakened form.